Sunday, May 18, 2014

Can Trees Be Spared from the Saw? An Expert Cairns Arborist Explains

"The moment the tree loses a branch or major limb is usually when the arborist keeps a closer eye on it. If exposed to the elements, the root of the branch can be a breeding ground for tree-eating bacteria, which can make their way deep into the heart. Trees knocked down by high winds or storms are often considered a lost cause unless replanted under the right conditions. Once the tree is marked for removal, everything must go, even the stump. A Cairns stump grinding expert typically uses machine with circular saws that grind the stump into shavings. That way, the space can be used for more productive purposes, perhaps even plant a new sapling in its place."

Friday, May 16, 2014

Chop it Down or Not? Cairns Tree Lopping Experts Know What’s Best

"These experts understand that a variety of factors come into play before a tree is considered a potential threat. For example, if a tree branch doesn’t have any leaves when it’s supposed to be blooming, that tree is likely sick or dying. A strong gust of wind or a short, heavy downpour will be enough to break branches off. Meanwhile, some tree species are known to be inherently weak. Black locust trees, for instance, are very susceptible to a fungal disease known as ‘heart rot’, which causes their branches to fall apart. While Cairns treelopping companies and similar professionals in Australia are certainly eager to help, citizens also share the responsibility for managing trees on their property. In Queensland, this duty is clearly spelled out in The Neighbourhood Disputes (Dividing Fences and Trees) Act 2011 and the Land Title Act 1994. In this regard, concerned property owners can turn to a first class tree lopping and vegetation management solutions provider like MPDT Tree Serv